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What do you do next?
Scripture sets out a very clear path, try these six FEATURES.
(1) Repent and (2) Believe. Mark 1:17
Continue steadfastly in the (3) apostles’ doctrine and (4) fellowship, in the (5) breaking of bread, and in (6) prayers. Acts 2:42
What does all this mean?
[ Gk metanoeo, to think differently afterwards, change direction, repent]
Change your ways and follow JESUS.
The world is a spiritual desert, wilderness and wasteland, where the tumble weed of selfish self-interest blows across the landscape. This world and its values are a world of sin. Immersed in it, people lose sight of God.
God created us to have an intimate personal relationship with Him where God is delighting in us and we are delighting in God, and we know it. It is a relationship where there is no selfish self-interest and it can be yours right now.
God loves us as we are. He delights in His creation. He loves us. He wants us to come back to Him for we are cut off from Him by sin.
Jesus came into the world to restore this relationship on a one-to-one basis.
On His part, He took the punishment of your sin upon Himself in His crucifixion and death. He paid the price for our selfish self-interest and all that follows from that.
On your part, God wants you to recognise that there is an emptiness in your life which can only be filled by Him. God gives you free will to accept or reject Him. Coercion has no part in love. He wants you to accept Him into your life now, to recognise the sinfulness that has kept you apart and repent, to change from your sinful ways and follow Him.
If you do this, relationship between you and God is restored and a whole raft of wonderful things follow:-
the remission of your sins Acts 2:38
all your sins are blotted out Acts 3:19
you receive the gift of the Holy Spirit Acts 2:38
times of refreshing come to you by being in the presence of the Lord Acts 3:18
your new relationship is confirmed by being baptised in the name of the Lord, confirmation of washing away of your sin, and receiving the Holy Spirit Acts 2:38
joy in the presence of the angels over you, joy in heaven over you Luke 15:17
[ Gk pisteuo to have faith in a person or thing, to entrust (especially one's spiritual well-being to Christ), believe]
If you have come this far, this is your time.
You believe that you have entrusted your well-being to Jesus Christ Mark 1:15
From this a whole raft of things follow: -
The Holy Spirit who abides with you, helps you. John 14:16,
The Holy Spirit teaches you all things. John 14:26
He helps you to understand that the Kingdom of God is at hand Matthew 4:17
He helps you to understand in the Good News of the Gospel. Mark 1:15
(3) STUDY SCRIPTURE (Apostles doctrine)
Your Word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path. Psalm 109:115
To continue steadfastly in the Apostles doctrine is to study Scripture. You will be given a hunger and appetite to study Scripture.
It becomes a lamp for your feet and a light for your path. Psalm 109:115
It refreshes your soul, it makes you wise (Scripture says making wise the simple), it gives joy to the heart, it is radiant giving light to the eyes. Psalm 19:7-8
Fellowship [Gk. Koinonia] means partnership, to partnership together.
Love one another as I [Jesus] have loved you.
Jesus tells you that you are his friend [Gk philos] which means a fond, dear friend John 15:14 This describes what this partnership is like.
This partnership means to love one another, as Jesus loves us, we also love one another. By this, Jesus tells us, people will know that we are His disciples. John 13:35-35
See our web page ‘Local Churches’
Eat your meal with gladness and simplicity of heart.
The early church also gathered regularly to "break bread" together, which included both the Lord's Supper and shared meals.
The Holy Spirit is present and active in shared meals, fostering a sense of community and spiritual growth. Acts 3:18
You eat the food with gladness [Gk. agalliasis gladness, (exceeding) joy] and simplicity of heart, praising God, and having favour with all those present. Acts 2:46-47
The word prayers [Gk proseuche], used here Acts 2:42 means worship God, pray earnestly.
I felt Him and I know He loves me.
We encourage silent prayer (see our web site on ‘Silent prayer of Scripture’) and vocal prayer.
Worship, rest and supplication are all part of prayer, both alone or in a group.
The Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness when we do not know what to pray for. Romans 8:26
We pray in the power of the Holy Spirit Jude 1:20, even continuously Ephesians 6:18
The Holy Spirit can even help us to pray in ways that transcend human understanding. 1 Corinthians 14:2
See our web site, ‘Silent Prayer of Scripture’.
Fruit trees of all kinds will grow on both banks of the river. Their leaves will not wither, nor will their fruit fail. Every month they will bear fruit, because the water from the sanctuary flows to them. Their fruit will serve for food and their leaves for healing. Ezekiel 47:12
Very simply, it will become increasingly apparent to you that
you have found PASTURE John 10:9
you have life and have it in superabundance John 10:10
See our web page ‘Pasture’.
See our web site ‘End Times Revival’
See our YouTube channel, ‘Bread Basket’
See our Facebook page, ‘OurBreadBasket’
The biggest disease today is not leprosy or tuberculosis but rather the feeling of being unwanted. Mother Teresa
Feelings of being unwanted
Are not feelings that I want.
Having escaped them,
I never want them to return.
They are not a good place to be.
In fact, most definitely the worst,
And then the hearse.
Oh, how glad to know that I am wanted.
By the Creator of heaven and earth.
The One whose birth was planned.
So that He could sacrificially give
His life for me.
That I could be set free.
From those feelings of inadequacy.
Now I know, His grace, His mercy and His love.
I can live in joy and peace.
There is a cure for this disease.
His name is Jesus.
To Him I bow my knee, and rest in this truth,
I am wanted eternally.
David Derbyshire
CRUTCH - Christians Reaching Unto The Community’s Hurting